Friday 25 September 2015

Sluggish September. (Big Dreams Blog Update #24)

Update Day!

I haven't done all too much on here this month.
I've actually got a lot of book reviews I'll be putting up in this last week-ish of September.

So, for those of you who don't know what Update Day is -- every last Friday of the month, 14 of us over at the Do You Have a Goal? blog hop give progress updates on our goals.

Hosted by authors Misha Gericke and Beth Fred, the Do You Have a Goal? blog hop is always accepting new members and new goals. So please join in the fun!

My goal is to reach a 1-million word count in completed novels/short stories.
But more importantly, I'd like to get myself into a regular writing habit and learn to edit better.

As for where I'm at on my goal... Well, it's slow moving.
And by which I mean I haven't had a steady project since mid-August. I'm just getting used to starting school again. My problem is time management.

I have to learn how to balance leisure reading, writing, and school. There's a lot of sacrifices I'm making (*ahem*Netflix*ahem*), and I'm doing things like waking up early to squeeze in writing and/or homework before heading off to school, work, etc.

It's weird because on the one hand everything is moving fast -- assignments and essays are creeping around the corner -- but then there's also this sort of slow, dreadful anticipation in my day-to-day. I've been catching myself trying to fill time.

The weather has gotten colder though, so I'm staying out later and spending my free time indoors. Hopefully I'll get more writing done now.

How has your autumn/Fall been so far?


  1. Balancing school and writing is hard. In my final year, I actually ended up devoting almost all my free time on my writing because it was what kept me sane.

    I'm sure you'll be able to find a balance. The main thing is to set priorities.

  2. I had a pretty unproductive September too. Balancing all the different parts of life is always tough, but you have to remember that leisure time, and time with friends/family is valuable and necessary. You know what they say about all work and no play!

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