Friday 28 August 2015

Fighting! (Big Dreams Blog Update #23)


Poster made by fellow blogger, Shah Wharton.

I have yet to get sick and tired of writing that.
Mostly because it means we reached the end of the month and I have time to evaluate my accomplishments in the last 4 weeks or so since the last Update post.

Now a bit about Update Day itself...
This post is part of the DO YOU HAVE GOALS? blog hop hosted by authors Misha Gericke and Beth Fred. There are currently 15 of us bloggers in total, and we all were brave enough to post one of our bigger (crazier) goals to the public. And all in the effort to hold ourselves accountable to each other in making sure we make those dreams into realities, one way or another.

My big dream is to have one million words worth of completed (mostly fictional) works. The idea started because I wanted to finish my first novel. I accomplished that mini-goal -- check this post for that -- and went on to finish a few more other MSS. Problem is I realized it's not enough to finish a first draft, but if I want to get anywhere near publication I need to actually edit, take the time to, start out by facing my own work and reading through what I've written after taking a break.

Earlier this month I finished writing my CampNaNo project. I really loved the story and characters and conflict, so I'm hoping to return to that sometime soon. Right now I'm in the middle of another WIP I started back in January of this year. It's been bothering me, and I want to see the first draft through.

So that's what I'm working on at the moment.

My reading goal was 52-53 books for 2015. I completed that two months ago, but I've decided to continue fitting in whatever I can. I have a lot of down time this summer and, surprise, I don't spend all of it watching K-dramas.

Although they do have a lot of nuggets of wisdom...

And that's it for August.

Hopefully the late summer heat hasn't fried your brains and spirits. Autumn's making an early appearance here -- gosh! I'll never get tired of watching the leaves turn... *sigh*
How's everyone else faring?


  1. Best of luck on getting that WiP done! :-)

  2. I took way too much of a break in August, but I'm already making up for it with a very busy September. Good luck with your WIP.

