I don't imagine I'll be posting all this much this September either. So sorry.
So a quick update is in order:
2) In other news--on the writing front--I hit 50K (for the first time, ahhhh! -freak out-) two days ago...but I'm not done writing the story and it was more of a "yay! whoopie!" than a "everyone, something amazing has just happened". <--- this will probably happen with my family when I am done.
So where do I go from here? I continue to write, hit my daily word count goals and just avoid giving into my evil other self (a.k.a. the infamous "internal editor"). Till then, I mush on.
P.S. Okay, I did celebrate a bit. I got a promise ring...on my ear. Well, a helix ring actually. See I've been wanting another helix for a while so it fit together all so well. I figure this way all the throbbing will remind me of my promise to myself to actually finish this story in its 3-6 months average healing time. (Which would make it my first, if you hadn't gotten that already, y'know.) I'm so cruel to myself...the lengths I'll go to, I wonder.
Maybe I'll go ahead and hunt down a book-themed earring once it's all healed up. Who knows? :)